The alarm is blaring in your mind. You open your eyes and begin to blink as the sun rays creep through your blinds forcing you to acknowledge the change of day. Foggy thoughts become lucid realizing it’s the dreaded start of your work week. Monday.



“Unsuccessful people have bad habits.”


What’s your next move? Did you wake up and spend 30 minutes scrolling on social media to avoid responsibility a few moments longer? or Did you go for a morning run, read a book chapter, or set an intention? This may seem insignificant but hear me out. If you have woken up, 4 years have passed and you’re in no better place than you were previously (financially, mentally or both) you need to take action. A NEW action. Why, it’s simple…

Consistency compounds. What you do each day builds over time. Poor daily choices can compound into years of mediocrity.


self analysis is key

For many identifying a bad habit is just simply not that obvious. This book was written for people who unknowingly fit that description. It’s uncomplicated composition uses real life scenarios to demonstrate how MINDSET is a direct correlation to a persons failures or successes. If what you’re doing now isn’t producing the life you want, then finding out what you should be doing should be your mission.


When you finish this read you should be motivated to change. Plan your work then work your plan! Here’s a shirt example of personal shortcomings that I analyzed and began to correct after this read.

  • Not Exercising- Yoga became an essential part of my routine instead of optional. I have been able to commit to at least 2-3 times a week. I add in cardio when I’m feeling super bad ass.

  • Overspending and Undersaving- I’m an impulsive buyer. I now practice a 3 day hold on purchasing decisions. I read somewhere that desire lessons over time and waiting to make a purchase often helps you filter out things you are unnecessarily buying. I also began putting aside 10% of my check before I even see it. My direct deposit is set up to route to two different banks. My savings bank is super difficult to withdraw money from as there is no physical location. THIS HELPS A LOT!

  • Gluttonous behaviors- this was terrible to admit. I was downing at least 3 wine bottles a week, carbs were the main part of any “meal”, and I had a sweet tooth that had me buying cheesecake and ice cream on the regular. For this I committed to a Pescatarian lifestyle. I focused on adding more veggies and less carbs to my daily food intake. In turn starting my day healthy fostered a need to want to finish the day that way.

  • Negative self talk- I had a habit of justifying poor choices. My signatures “I don’t have time, I don’t have the money”… became I will make the time and find the money.

Now while I’ve always thought of myself as a pretty disciplined person I quickly realized my bad habits were a bit more severe than I thought. Furthermore, my mindset on why I chose to continue my bad habits had me justifying poor actions rather than correcting them. Once you realize you are the author of life, your achievements are limitless.

favorite quotes

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,then, is not an act but a habit.”

“Successful people are slaves to their good daily habits. This is the first Rich Habit and the most important Rich Habit.”

“Unsuccessful people pay themselves last. They live paycheck to paycheck, spending every penny to support their lifestyle. They are poor savers and carry excessive amounts of debt.” 

“Successful people are too busy to allow themselves to indulge in being sad or depressed. They engage in productive activities, which take their minds off their sadness or depression. They are constantly engaged in projects or self-improvement activities that promote positive feelings about themselves.”

“Successful people devote time each and every day to self-improvement.”

“I will save ten percent of my gross income every paycheck.”